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Telefono Azzurro Launches 2023 Annual Report

On July 17th 2024, Telefono Azzurro hosted an event to present its 2023 Annual Report. The report sets out what the hotline has achieved during the past year and emphasises the critical (...)

Telefono Azzurro Launches 2023 Annual Report

Finnish Hotline Receives Trusted Flagger Status

The Digital Services Act (DSA) regulates online intermediary services and platforms with the main objectives of enhancing transparency, accountability, and consumer protection, as well a (...)

Finnish Hotline Receives Trusted Flagger Status

A Recap of the Combined CPORT/Content Assessment Training

On 18 and 19 June the third combined CPORT/Content assessment training took place at the National Dutch Police offices in Zoetermeer, the Netherlands. This training is part of the CPORT (...)

A Recap of the Combined CPORT/Content Assessment Training

News from the CSAPE Project

Save the Children Finland have been leading a two-year EU-funded project: Child Sexual Abuse Preventation and Education. The project consortium consists of partners from Greece, Albania, (...)

News from the CSAPE Project

Greek Safer Internet Centre Conducts 'Online Violence' Survey

The results of large-scale youth surveys play an important role in addressing the challenges of children and youth online safety, as they provide valuable evidence to help stakeholders c (...)

Greek Safer Internet Centre Conducts 'Online Violence' Survey

Hungarian Hotline Renews Webpage

The webpage has been completely renewed to assist analysts in fighting against harmful content more effectively.

Hungarian Hotline Renews Webpage