INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Hungarian Hotline Renews Webpage
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Hungarian Hotline Renews Webpage

The webpage has been completely renewed to assist analysts in fighting against harmful content more effectively.

The language throughout the reporting process has been made child-friendly, so kids can effectively report cases that affect them. One of the most important aspects of the new website was to make it accessible to everyone. This means, that any person reporting content is asked whether they are a minor or adult. The analysts responses are then tailored to be age-appropriate.

Moreover, the reporting form now also asks the reporter whether they have been affected. So, whether the reported issue has happened to the reporter (they had an intimate image posted on the internet without their consent, have been a victim pf phishing etc.). This new feature helps analysts to tailor the their process to the specific case and write a personalised response.

In 2023, we have put a strong emphasis on reaching the general public and improving their knowledge through in-person events and forums. This year we want to pay more attention to using the digital space to raise awareness. So on our renewed website you can read awareness-raising articles and tips on internet safety.

See renewed webpage here.

Hungarian Hotline Renews Webpage
22.05.2024 - by

See renewed webpage here
