INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | How can you use the Universal Classification Schema?
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How can you use the Universal Classification Schema?

The fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is a critical global effort that demands collaboration and information sharing across all sectors and stakeholder groups in order to be effective. The development of the Universal Classification Schema is a fundamental step in forming a global solution. The Schema will provide a foundational tool for analysts, law enforcement, and content moderators to classify CSAM in a uniform manner and share data and intelligence more effectively.

Stakeholder participation is key to the success of the Universal Classification Schema. Learn who can utilise the Schema and how this is a tool that extends beyond current content assessment processes.

INHOPE member hotlines

Hotlines will use the Universal Classification Schema to tag and classify content, enabling more effective and immediate triage of high-priority cases. This approach streamlines the removal of illegal content and fosters collaboration with global partners. Adopting a universal schema enhances the effectiveness, collaboration, and relevance of hotlines, reducing redundancy, improving efficiency, and ensuring resources are allocated where they are most needed.

Law Enforcement Agencies

Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) can leverage the Schema for objective and accurate descriptions of CSAM, facilitating better prioritization of cases, information sharing, and judicial outcomes. The Schema enables LEAs to work smarter by aiding in the identification of high-harm cases, normalizing language and terminology, and enhancing victim identification efforts.

Industry Stakeholders

Industry stakeholders can utilize the Schema for consistent categorization of content across sectors, promoting clarity, consistency, and efficiency. A standardized schema reduces ambiguity, fosters confidence, and streamlines compliance efforts, ensuring companies adhere to common guidelines and enhancing child safety.

Governments and Policy-Makers

Governments and policy-makers play a crucial role in securing resources and promoting cross-agency collaboration. They can use the Schema to facilitate efficient reporting, resource allocation, and the quicker and more efficient exchange of information between agencies and stakeholder groups.

Child Protection NGOs

NGOs dedicated to combating CSAM and protecting children online can help to define the content of the Schema by participating in its governance and promote the standardized use of its terminology and definitions. The terminology within the Schema has been agreed upon by the key stakeholders combatting online child sexual abuse, and using this terminology will amplify messaging in advocacy and communications.

Do you work in online child protection and want to explore how the Universal Classification can be used in your organization? Apply for your copy today.

How can you use the Universal Classification Schema?

Do you work in online child protection and want to explore how the Universal Classification can be used in your organization? Apply for your copy today.
