INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers |

Hotline Development Guide

What is a hotline?

INHOPE member hotlines enable the public to anonymously report online material they suspect may be illegal. A hotline analyst will investigate the report and if confirmed illegal, they act to have the content removed from the internet as rapidly as possible.

Learn more about what a hotline is and how your country can benefit from having a local presence to tackle child sexual abuse and exploitation online.

Who are we?

INHOPE’s vision is a world free of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) online. Our mission is to support and enable INHOPE hotlines in the rapid identification and removal of CSAM from the digital world.

INHOPE is made up of hotlines around the world that operate in all EU member states, Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. We support our member hotlines and their partner organisations through training, best practices, quality assurance and staff welfare.

Why you should join the INHOPE Network

INHOPE is about creating global access to public reporting and we support prospective hotline organisations in the target country every step of the way. Get started today.

Are you unsure if your organisation can establish a hotline? Click here to learn more about the key requirement and to explore the hotline development timelines.

Become a member hotline

Become a member hotline

Most of INHOPE's hotlines are run by non-profit organisations, but also by research institutes, telecommunications regulators and government. There isn't just one hotline standard or a single route for creating one.

If you would like to set up an INHOPE hotline to combat CSAM in your country, the Network Expansion team would love to meet you, discuss the next steps and work out the best timeline for you. Click here to schedule a 1-1 meeting with us.