INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Protect children from sexual exploitation while travelling
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Protect children from sexual exploitation while travelling

A survey by ECPAT found that only 4% of travellers who witnessed possible signals of sexual exploitation of children reported what they’d seen to local authorities or their national reporting website.

So what’s stopping people from reporting, and will you let it stop you?

Uncertainty about what they’ve seen, and worried about making a false accusation

  • Fear of misinterpretation of the situation due to cultural differences
  • Fear of misinterpretation of the situation due to mixed couples
  • Fear of interfering in someone’s personal life

Regardless of nationality or culture, every person below the age of eighteen has the right to be protected against sexual abuse and sexual exploitation (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles 19, 34). The best thing you can do is to trust your instincts and report any situations that feel inappropriate. A professional can then judge if the child is in danger.

To learn more about things to look out for, and suspicious situations, click here.

Uncertainty about what will happen next

  • Fear of getting the child into trouble
  • Fear of getting involved in criminal activities
  • Lack of knowledge on further involvement in the case
  • Lack of trust that the police will act on the report

Reports you make are handled by professionals who are experienced in cases of child sexual exploitation and will act within the interest of the child.

Learn more about what happens after you make a report on your national hotline's website here.

Don’t want to get involved

  • Not expecting to witness child sexual exploitation and not wanting to be confronted with this during vacation
  • Being in a lazy holiday mode, and not interested

Children who are exploited in the commercial sex industry are often unable to report the abuse themselves from fear of retaliation or social stigma. That means they are dependent on the reports of by standers

Learn more about the difference your report can make here.

Protect children from sexual exploitation while travelling

Learn more about the difference your report can make here.
